
711773-corporate-BODRehmani & Associates has incorporated hundreds of California businesses, and organized, maintained and represented hundreds of California corporations. Before you decide to incorporate a California business, we can help you to determine whether you should form a corporation for limited liability protection, potential self employment tax savings, to lessen the risk of an audit, for prestige, or to formalize an agreement among partners or investors. We can help you decide if a California corporation is the right entity, and if so whether you would be better served by a California S-corporation or a C-corporation. We can also assist you in determining if a Limited Liability Company (LLC) would better serve your needs.

Flat Fee California Incorporation Service:

We can form your California corporation or California Limited Liability Company (LLC) for as little as $1,000+Costs for a for-profit California corporation. Our Flat Fee Service to form a Professional California Corporation is $1,250 (Doctors, Dentists, and other professionals).

Nevada Incorporation and Delaware Incorporation Is Also Available:

We can also form a Nevada Corporation, or a Delaware Corporation, for the same flat fee ($1,000+Costs). If the business will be operating in or from California, however, the Nevada corporation, or Delaware corporation, must register in California as a foreign corporation. This service will also be performed, but at an additional small fee.

Shareholder Buy-Sell Agreements:

If your California corporation will be owned by more than one individual (excluding husband and wife and domestic partners) having a Shareholder Buy-Sell Agreement is crucial. We can prepare a shareholder buy-sell agreement (a.k.a. buyout agreement) for as little as $750 depending on the specific facts and parties involved.

Corporate Meeting and Minutes:

To maintain your personal limited liability protection, your California corporation must at a minimum hold its annual shareholder’s meeting and should hold an annual director’s meeting as well as some special meetings to validate certain corporate actions. Our Corporate Compliance Plan is designed to ensure your Annual Statement of Information of Officers and Directors and your annual shareholder and director minutes of meetings, or written consents, as well as any resolutions for special board of director’s meetings are prepared in a timely fashion.

Dissolve (Close Down) an Active or Inactive California Corporation:

We can help you dissolve a California corporation that is in good standing for as little as $499, so long as all of the shareholders agree.

Related Services:

• Comprehensive California Incorporation Package
• Corporate Meeting and Minute Service
• Mini Corporate In House Counsel Plans For The Small Business
• Corporate Record Book Clean Up Service